Hosting is the right thing to do

Hosts in Scotland
‘Hosting is the right thing to do’: people giving shelter to refugees tell us why
December 15, 2023
Article by: Interviews by Clea Skopeliti, Libby Brooks, Rachel Obordo and Jedidajah Otte
Published in: The Guardian


The best way to answer a question is to show it, so when our children, who are four and seven, ask “What does war mean?” we wanted to show them kindness and compassion. Inclusion starts in the home, so we decided to open up our home.

We’ve had three placements so far and are preparing for another. Each has arrived with different needs: some needing a safe place to stay, some needing help to settle in a new city, some wanting to become part of the family dynamic.

The key is to be open-minded to anything. We’re not here to ask questions or to judge.

One guest helped our four-year-old learn to pedal their bike. It’s lovely to see them find some joy at what is a difficult point in their lives. Another was a trained barber, who is still cutting our children’s hair. They say their favourite part is the lollipop he gives them after the cut. Our daughter says she likes hosting because it feels nice to help another person so they don’t feel alone.