Over the last 3 years we have been able to host c75% of the people referred to us for help, who meet our criteria. We need more hosts to be able to keep pace with demand.
Our guests are much more diverse than ever before. We have now hosted people from 68 different countries (and some stateless people, too), up from 54 countries last year. 6 countries – Syria, Sudan, Eritrea, Iran, Afghanistan and Ethiopia – now account for more than 50% of our guests, whereas a year ago, 90% of our guests came from just 5 countries.
The number of women we are asked to help is creeping up too – from 12% in our first year of operation to 25% 3 years later – as cuts mean the usual support is more difficult to access. But the vast majority of our guests remain single men between 18 and 40- as they are the people with fewer alternative options